August 12, 2010

Before You Meet with a Wedding Planner...

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Believe it or not, you have to do a little bit of homework before you meet with a wedding planner. The planner will ask you a few qualifying questions in advance to determine whether or not you will be a good match.

1. What is your budget?
The answer to this question should never be "We don't have one." This is not a trick question. It's ok to give a range but even Donald Trump has a spending limit. This allows the wedding planner to start thinking about the possibilities for your wedding design, venues, professionals, etc.

2. How many guests will attend your wedding?
Naturally, this question will follow the budget question because it allows the wedding planner to know if your budget-to-guest ratio is realistic. If you set your budget at $5000 and invite 250 guests, then you probably can't afford some of the professionals in her rolodex.

3. Have you chosen any wedding professionals yet?
It's ok to say no. This helps the planner determine whether you have hired professionals they have worked with in the past or are familiar with. It also gives them a glimpse into the style of wedding you want.

4. Describe your dream wedding.
It helps to have pictures or examples of the features you like from flowers to colors and everything in between.

5. Who are the decision-makers for this event?
If your parents are sharing in the cost for your wedding, then they probably want to make some of the decisions too. Be sure to have this discussion with them in advance so everyone is on the same page and there are no surprises.